Talk To Yourself Positively
A great way to tackle negative
The most powerful words in your vocabulary are the words that you say to yourself and believe. Your self-talk, your inner dialogue, determines 95 percent of your emotions. When you talk to yourself, your subconscious mind accept those words as commands. It then adjusts your behavior, your self-image, and your body language to fit a pattern consistent with those words.
From now on, talk to yourself only in terms of what you want to be and do. Refus to say anything about yourself that you do not sincerely desire to be true. Repeat the powerful, positive words,”I can do it!” Over and over. Prior to any event of importance, repeat the words, “I like myself!” I’m say, “I’m the best! I’m the best! I’m the best! “again and again like you really mean it. Then, stand up straight and strong, put a confident smile on your face, and do the very best of which you are capable. Soon it will become a habit.
You Deserve The Best
As the result of previous destructive criticism, people accept an-other myth, or self-limiting belief. It is that they don’t really believe that they deserve to be successful. This deep inner feelings of undeservingness is quite common among those of us who started off with very little in life, or who came from families that had little money when we were growing up. It can also be caused by people who told us at a young age that to be poor is virtous but to be rich is sinful. If you have grown up feeling undeserving of good things, for any reason, and you do achieve success in your field, you may experience what is called the” imposter syndrome. “ You will feet that you are an imposter in your success, and that you are going to be found out. No matter how successful you become as the result of your hard work, you will have a nagging fear that it will be taken away from you. If you feel like an imposter, you will often feel guilty for achieving greater success than others. To escape these feelings of guilt, many people engage in self-sabotage. They eat too much, drink too much, take dope, ignore their families engage in unpredictable behaviors, and often throw their money away in extravagant living and unwise investments. They feel deep down inside that they don’t deserve their success. As a result, they often drive it away.
Dedicate Yourself To Serving Others
The truth is that you deserve everything you can rightfully earn by doing an excellent job, and producing or distributing products or service that improve people’s lives and work. In a market society such as ours, all transactions are voluntary. People buy something only if they feel that they are going to be better off as a result. You can therefore be successful in the long run only by providing people with the things they want to improve their lives and work. The more and better you serve other people, the more you both deserve and earn. The word “ deserve comes from the Latin words, “ service” which means” to serve.” Therefore, the word “ deserve” means “ from service.” The people who do the best in our society, with few exceptions, are those who are serving other people better than someone else. Your whole focus in your career should be on serving other people better. Then you will deserve every dollar you earn. Abraham Lincoln once said, “The very best way to help the poor is not to become one of them.” In our society, the more financially you are, the more taxes you are likely to pay. These taxes help pay for the schools, hospitals, roads, welfare, Medicare, military expenditures, and all the important things that our society offers. You can be proud to be financially successful. By making a lot of money, you make a significant contribution to lots of people, you do well for yourself by doing well for others.