Some people want instant pleasure, here and now, love without commitment, artificial happiness, but they don’t think to pause, take a breath for themselves, a moment of silence or reflection. Naturally, it seems like wasted time. Yeah, we no longer have time for prayer — some say that’s naive — or for family and affection — others say that’s too sentimental. People want to declare themselves happy, but they don’t have time for themselves; they don’t have time for pure happiness… they don’t have time to discover that happiness is within them, within each of us, in the morning dew, in the sunrise that awakens the senses, in the clear sky, in the smile with which we greet people and which is returned to us, in the smile of a mischievous child, in the help we offer, in collegiality, in the peace of home, in the stars that lead us to dreams, and in the prayer before sleep…