Listen And Learn.
Intensive listening requires learners,
“Listen to your peers, employees and customers. You will always learn something from listening. I also find that it could facilitate relationships just by listening, and really let people feel that you care. It helps ease any tensions, even if it doesn’t immediately solve a problem, it could relieve any negative feelings just by letting people express themselves whether it be an unhappy customer, a stressed employee or colleague.”
10, Put in extra effort to stay organized.
“Making lists and setting daily goals helps us stay focused each day. There are so many fires to put out each day when you own your own business and working to stay organized and task oriented helps us stay on track and meet our goals. We also have planning meetings to map out our vision and goals for the next six and 12 months. This helps us focus on the big picture of growing a new business and measure our success and failures over the years.”
11, Pay attention to details.
“Refuse to cut any corners when it comes to ingredients or any aspect of the manufacturing process. While many have told me that my attention to details is counterproductive, I feel that it has been very helpful with growing sales and ultimately earning customer confidence. Basically, I have depended upon my inner voice regardless of trends and well-intentioned advice that did not feel right to me. Go with your gut and don’t deviate from brand’s mission.”
12, keep some balance in your life.
“If you let your work consume you, it will. Pushing away from the laptop and cell phone for a break each day is critical. It’s not always easy when you’re chasing a deadline. Small distractions, however, can have an incredibly refreshing effect. Inject a little daily balance into your life-di nner with the family, an hour of exercise, going to see my child participate in an extracurricular activities or 30 minutes with a book or newspaper.”
I sincerely I appreciate you my followers and my readers please I want update you that I’m not perfect and still apologized you in any areas that I have offended you thank you so much