Finding The Right Job For You
Reconsidering your career or trapped in job you hate?
Part of your growth may involve realizing that the job you hold may not be the right job for you. It is important to recognize that changing jobs involves a process. It is the same process for everyone, regardless of whether or not they grew up in a dysfunctional family. There are steps in the process that CoAs may not be aware of:
(1) Have an up-to-date resume, regardless of whether or not you are satisfied with your employment. It will give you an opportunity to explore whatever may come along and interest you — even tangentially.
a) If you do not know how to do a resume, pick up a book on the subject and follow those guidelines. Nobody automatically knows how to do it until they have done it the first time.
b) Have someone you trust look it over for typos or additional thoughts.
(2) You may or may not be suited for the work you are doing and may be very confused as to what to do about it. Having defined yourself by other’s opinions and trying to believe that they are your own is most perplexing.
a) Take an interest inventory to see where they lie.
b) Take some aptitude tests and see where your potential lies.
c) Take a personality profile to find out your interactive style.
This will give you an objective assessment of your ideal work profile and then you can explore the options. There are some good books on this subject. What color is your parachute? is among the most readable.
Learn about the process of job change and try and set up an orderly system for yourself — step by step — with a reasonable time frame.
You may feel that others have the edge when it comes to parenting and intimate relationships because they may have good role models, but in the marketplace, as uneasy and insecure as you feel, you have the better survival skills. It is a great leveler.
— Janet Geringer Woititz
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